Setting your Publishing Details
Updated over a week ago

Once you have completed designing your post and you are ready to publish to you website, you’ll need to have your publishing details saved.

If you haven’t done this yet, click on the publishing method you will use to be guided on how to get this set up:


Setting your Publishing Details - Via Plugin

1. In your WordPress Backend > Install and Activate the Narrative Publisher Plugin.

2. Go back to Publish > Click on the gear icon to open the publishing settings


2. The Publish Settings will now pop up:

2.1 Input your website's URL - eg

2.2 Click on WordPress

2.3 Click Continue


2.4 Click Check so the app will now verify if you have your plugin installed correctly.


🔴 If Narrative Publish comes back saying that the Plugin can't be found, make sure you have the right URL and have activated the Plugin. If you still run into issues, please head to the article here to troubleshoot.

3. Once the app finds the plugin, you will be given an Access Key. Click the code to copy it.

4. Go back to your WordPress Backend

4.1 Open the Narrative Plugin
4.2 Paste the code
4.3 Click on Save Changes
4..4 Make sure that the time and date match when you pasted it

5. Go back to Narrative Publish and press "Check" to make sure the code saved and is working.

🔴 If you run into the following error message, repeat the steps and insure the code is copied and saved correctly.

If you see a message saying Authentication successful and are taken to the Categories section, your plugin is set up correctly and you are ready to start publishing.


Setting your Publishing Details - Via Code

1. Click on the gear icon to open the publishing settings


2. When you see the publishing settings window open add the following details:

2.1. Input your website's URL - eg

👉 If publishing to Squarespace > Click "Squarespace"

👉 If publishing to WordPress or Showit manually, Wix, or any other website > Click "Other"

2.2 Click "Continue" and click “Ok/ Start Publishing ”


3. Click "Ok/Start Publishing" to complete the process.


Setting your Publishing Details - Via Code While Having the Plugin Activated

If you already have the plugin set up but want to publish via code, there is a quicker and simpler way to do it than the steps above.

To do this, change the Publish category from the current category to Publish via Code and click "Publish" to start uploading your blog. Click here for the next steps.


Can't find the Publish menu? If you can't see the right hand menu bar with your Publish and SEO tabs, it might just be collapsed. You can click the bubble with the arrow in it to expand or collapse this menu as necessary.

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