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Migrating your Posts to a New Website
Updated over a week ago

This article will guide you on how to migrate your blogs from and to different platforms.


How to Migrate Posts from Squarespace to WordPress

If you want to migrate from Squarespace to WordPress, there are two ways to get this done:

πŸ‘‰ If your new website is launched, you'll be able to reconnect them through any of the methods below.

πŸ‘‰ If your new website isn't launched, you'll need to migrate them through the code. Once you reconnected your blogs and your website is launched, you'll be able to connect the plugin to the App and continue publishing through the plugin.

Through the Plugin

1. Move your blog posts from your Squarespace site back to "Drafts"
2. Un-publish your posts
3. Set up Narrative's Wordpress Plugin
4. Publish the blogs again. This article will show you how to set up your WordPress connection

Through the code

1. Open your posts in the app
2. Copy the HTML code of your blogs
3. Go to your WordPress website and create a new post

  • If you're using the Classic Editor, click here for the next steps.

  • If you're using Gutenberg, click here.


How to Migrate Posts from WordPress or Squarespace to Showit

There are several ways you can migrate your blogs from Squarepace to Showit depending on the type of Showit plan you're on.

πŸ‘‰ If your new website is on the Showit + Advanced Plan, you can migrate your blogs through the code, even if the website hasn't been launched.

πŸ‘‰ If your new website is on the Showit + Basic Blog Plan, you'll need to wait until your website is launched to connect the plugin and then re-publish them through the plugin. Once you reconnected your blogs and your website is launched, you'll be able to connect the plugin to the App and continue publishing through the plugin.

πŸ‘‰ If your new website is on the Showit Plan, you'll only be able to use the exporting and upload method. To do this, have a look at the article here.

Through the Plugin

1. Move your blog posts from your Squarespace site back to "Drafts"
2. Un-publish your posts
3. Set up Narrative's Wordpress Plugin
4. Publish the blogs again. This article will show you how to set up your WordPress connection

Through the Code

1. Open your posts in the app
2. Copy the HTML code of your blogs
3. Go to your WordPress website and create a new post

  • If you're using the Classic Editor, click here for the next steps.

  • If you're using Gutenberg, click here.


How to Migrate Posts from WordPress or Showit to Squarespace

You can migrate your blogs from WordPress or Showit to Squarespace using the manual publishing method detailed below.

πŸ‘‰ Make sure that your new Squarespace website is under the Business Plan to allow the javascript to load correctly.

Through the code

1. Move your blog posts back to "Drafts"
2. In your Narrative Publish app > Un-publish your posts
3. Change the publishing method to via code. The article here will show you how to do this
4. Publish the blogs again.
5. Click here to continue with the next steps

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