Publishing versus exporting to JPGS
Updated over a week ago



Publishing is the main way to upload and publish your blogs, its in the name! Rather than manually uploading the images one by one, sucking up hours of your time, you can just click one button and your blog is up on your website exactly how it looks on your website.

How Publishing works

Publishing works by uploading all the images in your blog to our publishing service. We then resize the images to 5 different sizes and build your blog for the viewing on websites.

Once it's done, you can either paste the code that is given to you to embed the blog where you want it, or if you are using the WordPress plugin the blog will be automatically on your website.

When someone visits your blog post, the code you pasted will load it up exactly as it was in the app, loading in dynamically to boost your SEO and with amazing features, like animation, pinterest pins, lightbox and more.

Each image is its own separate image which is great for Pinterest as well as SEO.

With publishing your blogs are super easy to update, make a change in the app, press update blog and then your changes will be automatically applied, no need to reupload images.

If you ever want to change who your website is with publishing makes it easy, instead of needing to upload all images again you just need to move the code over and you're done.



Exporting to Jpgs is the secondary way to get your blog out of Narrative Publish and onto your website.

This method is much more similar to traditional blogging tools, as your blog will be exported into JPGs that you then upload onto your website.

This method misses all the significant benefits that publishing offers. Therefore we recommend using the Publishing feature.

How Exporting Works

When you export your blog to jpgs, Narrative Publish will slice the blogs into sections of images that are combined into one JPG, this will be then named in a chronological order allowing you to upload them to your website.

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