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Training a Personal AI Preset

How to train your Personal AI Preset.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

How to Get Started Training your Own AI Preset

Watch our quickstart tutorial guide for creating your own personal AI Preset:

Alternatively, read through the steps below:

Firstly, make sure you're in the Projects home screen, you can navigate here by clicking on the Narrative logo in the top left.

Now click on the AI Presets tab on the left hand navigation bar. On the AI Presets home screen, click the Train a new AI Preset button:

Training and Levelling up your AI Preset

When you reach the AI Preset Builder screen, ensure you have Lightroom Classic Catalogs that collectively contain at least 2,500 images that have been edited in a consistent way. The more consistently edited images you add, the better your AI Preset will be!

  • If you have more than one distinct editing style you can train multiple AI Presets once you've finished training your first AI Preset.

  • If a Lightroom catalog is not showing up you can add it manually via the browse button on the left-side panel.

  • Make sure you have Smart Previews generated, or your raw files are connected to the Lightroom catalogs.

  • Ensure that your images are downloaded onto either your computer or an external drive.

You can select the folders or collections you want to use from inside each catalog, or choose the 'All catalogs' option in the top left to select them all.

Starter, Standard and Master AI Presets

When you're training your AI Preset, there's three different grades, Starter, Standard and Master. The more images you add to your Style, the more accurate your Style will become, causing it to level up to the next grade.

Starter requires 2,500 images

Standard requires 6,000 images

Master requires 15,000 images

Filtering images

There are additional filtering options on the right for if you want only specific rated images in each catalog or if you want to use all edited images in the catalog, or just edited + exported images from Lightroom.

Once you have chosen your images, click the Upload & Train AI Preset button in the bottom right.

Now, your images will be converted to DNG, then uploaded. When uploading, leave Narrative open, but feel free to change tabs.

When all images are uploaded, the cloud training happens which is how Narrative learns your editing style. You can close Narrative now if you like. It may take a few hours to train your AI Preset.

Once your AI Preset is ready, you will receive a message through your Narrative email, and you can officially start using your AI Preset! πŸŽ‰

Want to learn how to improve your AI Preset? Click here.

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